Friday, December 24, 2010

A New Adventure

Recently, one of my co-workers asked me if I knew how to make horse hair jewelry. I had never done anything like that and have never even seen any horse hair jewelry. I looked at some pieces on line and looked at a couple of tutorials about round braiding (which looks so much nicer than a regular flat braid). I checked a couple places on line for the silver pieces needed to finish off the jewelry and decided to go ahead and give it a try.

My co-worker was happy to be a guinea pig for me. She needed four bracelets, three of which were to be Christmas presents. I ordered the silver end caps and beads. She gave me the hair from four horses. I took a deep breath and started. My biggest challenge was learning the round braid. I printed off some instructions for one website. At first they didn't make sense to me. I watched several tutorials on You Tube, but they left me in the dust after the first twist of hair. I finally decided to use the instructions I had printed. It took me several hours to come up with something actually looked good, but after that it was pretty easy. I still have to learn how much hair to start with. One bracelet was so thick, I couldn't get the bead I'd purchased to fit over it.

Shortening up a long story, my co-worker was extremely happy with the how the bracelets turned out. Let me know what you think!